Foundation Stage

Nurse to Grade II

Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count. Childhood is a small window of time to learn and develop at a pace which is right for each individual child. These soft minds are molded and given shape by teachers, which empower them to build their personalities. 

They provide their imagination with wings which enables them to scale newer heights. In this stage focus is entirely on experiential learning which includes hands-on learning, art-integrated and sport–integrated education together with story-telling based pedagogy.



Preparatory Stage

Grade III to Grade V

The Primary Pedagogy is designed such that the overall development of the child takes place. The little fingers are trained to write, to draw and to color which makes their soft impressionable minds a Creative Canvas. The basics of traditional learning are presented to them in a novel way which Kindles their Curiosity.

The kinesthetic learning is imparted to them both in the classrooms and on the field. The day to day curriculum of the Preparatory Stage includes learning in the form of Text Books followed by inputs in General Knowledge, Value Education along with Activity classes in Music, Dance, Art, Computers and Sports.


Middle Stage 

Class V - VII

The middle school years bring in new academic demands. Content will focus on idea, application and problem solving. This makes space for critical thinking and more holistic, inquiry-based, discovery-based, discussion-based and analysis-based learning which includes communication, goal setting, study strategies, time management, stress awareness and control, relationships, learning styles and other topics designed to empower the student to take control of his/her education.


1.    No student is allowed to leave school premises during school hour without the permission of the principal.

2.    Habitual negligence or misconduct towards the school and to the teachers will involve severe disciplinary actions.

3.    Every student is expected to take part in all the co-curricular activities.

4.    Every student in the school is expected to be courteous in talk and behavior at all them time.

5.    Cleanliness and personal hygiene is to be maintained.

6.   Student who remains absence for more than three days will have to procure and submit medical certificate.

7.   The students who remain absence themselves for one month will have their name cancelled  from the roll.

8.   Any damage to the school properties or that of other people will have to be viewed seriously and fined whereof necessary.

9.   Wearing of costly ornaments are not encouraged in the school. If any such thing is lost, the school will not be responsible for it.

10.  Despite every care is taken to ensure safety and well-being of students, accidents are possible. The school authority is not responsible of such inevitable accidental cases whether it is minor or serious.

11.  Within the school campus student must speak only English and that will be observed by the staff.

12.  Irregular attendance, non-payment of fees, misbehavior to teachers, any kind of cheating or misconduct objectionable to the moral tone of the school are sufficient for dismissal of the pupil.


  1. Every student must wear clean and complete uniform daily.  A pupil who comes without uniform or whose uniform is untidy may not be allowed to attend the class.
  1. The school uniform consists of : -
  1. Yellowish and Dark Green stripe shirt
  2. Purple  and Dark Blue stripe shirt
  3. Black shoes  Blue and Green shocks
  4. Neck tie( Dark Green and White stripe)
  5. Belt (Green & Blue) to be available in school
  6. Green & Blue Sweater
  7. Dark Green & Blue trousers/skirts.





1.         Every boarder should maintain the highest moral standard of life at all place. Rule of modesty and ideal of humanity should be strictly adhered to.

2.         All cases of illness must be immediately report to the warden, in case of serious illness, the authorities will intimate the parents/guardians.

3.         Parents are not to disturb the functioning by their frequent visits and phone calls.

4.         Parents/guardians are allowed to visit their ward only on 2nd Saturday between 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM and 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM.

5.         Students who go home for holidays are to be back by the eve of the next working day before 4.00pm.

6.         No one is allowed to leave the campus without prior permission of the warden.

7.         No one is allowed to bring any valuables like gold ornaments, cameras, cell phones etc.

8.         Wanton damage to school property, disfiguring of walls, indecent language, abusive and bad behavior are punishable with fine.

9.         Repeated late coming, ragging or bullying of any form, violation of rules are reasons enough for dismissal from the hostel.

10.       Every boarder should follow the hostel time table written and oral rules and direction strictly



1 School Shoes     1 pair
2 School bag     1 No.
3 Vest       3 Nos.
4 Underwear/Panties     4 Nos.
5 Handkerchiefs      3 Nos.
6 Bathe Towel     1 No.
7 Bed Sheet     2 Nos.
8 Pillow Cover  2 Nos.
9 Blanket   1. No.
10 Mattress   1 No.
11 Pillow   1 No.
12 Trunk Box      1 No.
13 14 Slipper  1 Pair.
14 Hanger    5 pieces
15 Bucket & Mug   1 No. each


    Children are admitted on the understanding that they would remain in the school at least for the entire academic year. However, if the parents desire to withdraw the child from the school before the end of the school year, the rules demand that the fees for the entire school year should be cleared before the transfer certificate is issued. If any student is once admitted, fee is not refundable.

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